Friday, March 7th, 2025.
Always Be Comfortable Heating and Cooling. Spring is well on the way! After a long winter, your heating system could use a little TLC; and don’t forget that this also means that high heat levels are surely on the way! If you need help keeping your home comfortable call Lester Sharp with Always Be Comfortable Heating and Cooling. Dial 417 247 7612 to get started today!
Pocahontas Self-Storage: Is under new management and has affordable pricing, with a special limited-time rate of $1 to move you in. Pocahaontas Self-Storage has a fenced-in facility where everyone has different security codes to access their rental units and they offer optional tenant protection insurance. Storages units are 10×10, 10×20, or 12×30. Reserve online today at or 870-800-0050
Pilgrim’s Tree and Land Service: Got a hazardous tree on your property? Need land cleared or some serious bucket truck work? Pilgrim’s Tree and Land Service has you covered! Whether it’s tree trimming, removal, or land clearing, Pilgrim’s Tree and Land Service is insured, has fifteen years experience and will get the job done safely and efficiently. Call or text Mark Davidson of Pilgrim’s Tree and Land Service today at 417-241-1448.
Paid Listing(s): During the West Plains City-wide Yard Sale, a huge sale will be taking place at the Heart of the Ozarks Fairgrounds! Tables are available for rent, and almost all kinds of vendors are welcome. Concessions will also be available. For more information, call 417-287-0483, or 417-274-9814.
First Church of God in West Plains is having a pie auction at 2:00 on March 15th then the Howell Family will be singing at 3:30 with a pork loin dinner at 5:00 $20 per person for the dinner contact Robert Brown for more info 417-255-5720
Call-In Listings:
- Border collie mix female free to a good home. Red angus, black angus bulls for sale 417-250-1503.
2. quality alfalfa hay hartville area 417839-2022
3.Queen size platform bed with matress 417-274-0023 in WEst Plains ares.
4. Harliwuin romance novels and suspense novels. Queen size bed with matress $200. 417-274-6047.
5. LTB miter saw mount or stand 417-247-1512 Mountain View area
6. Antiques and collectables, entertainment center, all kinds of glass ware, very nice art pieces. 417-257-7995
7. Red bantees in Winona $20 a pair possibly deliver 573-714-5147
8. Moving Sale today at noon until 5 , 8-5 tomorrow 7415 Highpoint Drive in Raymondville. 907-204-1676.
9. Motorguide tiller handle trolling motor $100. Small cotton candy machine $40. Quarter by 3/8 drill press bench type $100. New in box master plumber sut pump $30 417-855-6552 Willow Springs area.
10.LTB mid 80’s ford ranger for parts 417-293-3730 Willow springs area
11.Looking to sell a side of beef that is going to processing about $4.50 a pound 417-252-7309. Leasing to rent the bottom floor of his home in the country. West of Pomona.
12. r93 bolt action .300 win mag. 7 ft sickle mower, a raking plow, and a gravity fed grain cart. Craftsmen electric 110 air compressor like new. 60 acres around doniphan for sale. 573-996-8500,
13.417-256-7979 to the one selling the Ford tractor
14. 77 Chevy 4×4 truck rough body 62,000 mile on motor. 10ft bush hog. 3 Farm Tractors all in good condition 417-683-4563 Ava area
15. House in Birch Tree $13,500 or rent to own. fixer upper, call for details. Work on house could apply to payment. 2008 Taurus $2500 does overheat. LTB or Trade a cheap wood stove. Needing deep cycle batteries. 417-596-6709 Willow Springs.
16.1 man auger for sale $150 870-656-6586 Hartville
17.LTB Laying Hens Houston area 417-318-1335
18.2005 GMC denali SUV, motor guide trolling motor 44# thrust 870-710-7302 West Plains
19.Cooltron 12v cooler warmer $50 for camping. Coleman extreme cooler $20 with wheels. Star Trek vhs tapes. StarTrek communicater $75. 417-252-0991 Willow Springs
20.20 foot flatbed trailer for sale or trade 417-543-6059 Gentryville
21.Looking to rent a 2 bedroom house Wiullow Springs 417-469-4687
22. Firetight Wood stove in good shape been relined $400 417-259-4930 Mountain Grove
23. Anitolian Perinese male free to a good home 417-252-7081
24. 45# recurve bow with accesories 417-256-0899 west plains
25. 12 hatchling chicks olive egg layers and 3 ducklings and a pair of African geese. 2 female gray geece. Meat Rabbits. 2 horse trailer for sale. 417-217-4424 please text Cabool area. Couple dogs to giveaway bulldog and husky.
26. tandem bike 150 obo, generator. 20″chainsaw. nail gun $50 obo. old school high chairs 417-259-3515
27. Veterans tomorrow from 10a – noon drivethru food pantry at West Plains VFW.